February 29, 2008
St. Xavier Cawangan
February 28, 2008
Contraception Guide 101
A guide for choosing the best contraception method. Alamak, this manual was seriously an eye opener for me. It was for Raymond too. Seriously i learned a lot too, didn't know there was so many methods we can choose from. Well if you're wondering what the word "contraception" stands for = "The prevention of conception by the use of birth control devices or agents". I was wondering why was this being distributed and the thought came to me, are people in this generation having more sex today??? Hmmm.....
Here are some of the pages in the booklet. It was an eye opener for me seriously, it will be for you too trust me
Anyway if you're interested to read this booklet, you can certainly ask it from me or Sharon. Hehe
Sharon Enjoying my dad's new Gintell
February 25, 2008
Hello everybody.....
February 16, 2008
February 11, 2008
Steps to Destressing
I'm going to give a cure to destressing. Does it work? Well i'm testing it now. But i'm sure it will work if we believe and we are fully committed to Him. The cure to stress is Proverbs 3:6 which states: In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. So that's it folks recognize and acknowledge Him, who is "Him"? Our Papa our Lord God. If we’ll simply learn to listen to God and do what He says, (But how do we know he's telling us something? The answer is the little things in our hearts that prompts us or speaks to us) we’ll discover that things will go well for us. No matter what the situation, we need to listen to God and obey His voice. Now obeying is the heard part but yeah to destress it's to listen to Him. Don't worry if you fail, i fail all the time. God Bless.
February 4, 2008
We have to be determined !
Well determination is discipline and i guess we need to stand up for something which is right. And our conscience will usually tell us what is right and wrong. And it's utterly important to stand up for what is right. However not everything is right, which we will need to be aware of.
Truthfully speaking i'm not too sure what i'm trying to say here in this post, but there must be some point in this post.
But anyway i'm just gonna post this anyway.