October 24, 2008

A Fixed Savvy

I finally managed to sent my car for repairs yesterday after a long time dealing with the car stuttering and also hard to start problem due to a faulty component in the car. Thanks to the Savoc.net forums which has guided me and gave me tips to identify the problem with the car. This was all due to a tiny little component called the TDC sensor or more commonly known as the speed sensor. The problem is after the car has been driven for quite a while the sensor is exposed to dirt and dust which causes the connection to be less sensitive. Well anyway I'm a happy Savvy driver now. Car feels better and even revs better now.



This is a TDC sensor


Anonymous said...

I would like to ask is it the speed sensor is the same as tdc sensor. Cause recently I sent my car to workshop, the mechanic change the speed sensor, but still jerking.