April 11, 2008

Please do tell your family before you want to convert...to muslim (applies in Malaysia)

This is certainly a good point made here by Malaysia's Prime Minister (Pak Lah). Well if you've been staying in Malaysia for quite some time, you would have known that the last few years regarding conversion to Muslim has been a great debate for a few families. Once the Muslim's organisation knows that you're a muslim and if your family isn't muslim and if you leave this world (means if you fly up the sky), none of the property will be inherited by the family. Instead all inheritance will be given to the muslim organisations. Sounds bad but true. There have been cases where families who have lost the head of the family (father, papa, daddy) didn't even know of the fact that they converted to muslim resulting in turmoil for the family realizing that their loved one thay have lost is muslim. So beware. And take care. No offense to muslim readers.

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