Well well..Microsoft has done it again with another brand new web browser, improving on the predecessor IE7. I’ve just given it a try last night and seems to work fine so far without any problems. Installation was a breeze and surfing was faster than the old IE7 (Well looks faster to me). But anyways I’ve yet to explore the many new features yet although the features looks promising, like the added security such as SmartScreen Filter (but be reminded Microsoft products are prone to be attacked thanks to anti Microsoft users), Search Suggestions – which offers a friendly search from sources from famous websites like- Wiki, Web Slices – read more here.
I’m guessing there will be much more value added features in Internet Explored 8 that I've yet to explore, but hopefully the security and safety from malware, adware will hold true for some time at least, that at least will make me a happy IE fan for quite some time.
Get it for free plus there is no validation check for this - now that’s cool
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