March 16, 2010

Internet slang

How often have you come across internet slang which you just can’t seem to understand, like lol, brb, ttyl or even eod. I bet you might not even know some of the acronyms I’m talking about right now, but needless to say this are common nowadays and honestly I don’t understand quite a lot of them. When I chat with people or check out forums many times such slangs are used and I can’t seem to make sense out if it. Take for example afaik, I intially thought it was a name of one of a Malay guy. But to my surprise it is “afaik - as far as I know”. Now what about this rifk. How would I ever know what it is? Anyone care to take a guess? The answer to this is rolling on the floor laughing. Anyway I found my the dictionary of internet slang and I will not get lost again figuring out what the acronyms are trying to tell me. I found it here noslang.


Let me paste some which I found to be very funny (some are offensive so please excuse me)


rihad - Rot In Hell And Die ( sounds like jihad)

mmiw - my mom is watching

mpih - my penis is hard

kmfa - kiss my fucking ass

lak - love and kisses

lmaomtoaoa - Laugh my ass off many times over and over again

lmbo - laughing my butt off


Ok i better stop here b4 i go out of hand go check it out yourself.


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