July 25, 2008

Timer for Windows Shutdown?

Ever experienced needing to go out, while your computer is still downloading something or performing a disk defragmenter process while at the same time worried that your PC will blow up leaving it on for too long a period of time because you won't be back after many hours? Well thou shall not worry. There's a solution to this.

1) Creating a Batch File For Shutting down the PC using a timer

How to create?

1.1) Open a new txt file with Notepad


1.2) Enter the following commands


1.3) Save it as shutdown.bat


1.4) Walla you're done. You have officially created a bat program.


Well you're not all done yet. You will still need to understand what the code is all about.

For this case let’s say there is another hour (3600 seconds) before the downlaoad finishes and you want the PC to shutdown in 1 1/2 hours. That would be 5400 seconds. So let’s edit the bat file.

1.5) Just right click on the shutdown.bat and click on edit.


1.6) You will see this. So just change the value to 5400 and save it.


1.7) To run the batch file just double click and you will see this (Below)


Walla you have officially ran the batch file for shutting down your PC with the timer.

(You can also run the command in DOS prompt and type shutdown –s –t <time in seconds>.

Walla the system shutdown windows appear. If u need to cancel it whatsoever just type shutdown –a and walla the timer stops.


Complete list of commands


Anonymous said...

This really is a free software, easy and without install any program.

Batch file really can create a lot of thing. recently I have try out another batch file to replace ip shifter

Anonymous said...

This really is a free software, easy and without install any program.

Batch file really can create a lot of thing. recently I have try out another batch file to replace ip shifter